Linux装IE7(IE4Linux) IEs 4 Linux 需要有兩個套件: cabextract 以及 Wine。 您可以使用 Linux 套件管理程式 (synaptic, apt-get, yum, emerge etc) 來進行安裝,或是直接從網頁下載。 为什么要在linux中安装IE呢,因为很多网站都以IE开发的,特别是网银什么的,不装的话不能淘宝,网银不能登陆,没办法,以下是安装方法 第一步当然是下载了, 去这里下载一个,大多数人会选择最新的,也就是这个 然后解压 tar zxvf ies4linux-latest.tar.gz 接着进入目录 cd ies4linux-* 安装的话,不推荐直接运行./ies4linux,因为GUI版的不是很稳定,可能会在安装过程中出问题 最好运行 ./ies4linux --no-gui --beta-install-ie7 --locale CN --install-corefonts 注明 --no-gui 表示终端方式安装,--beta-install-ie7 表示安装IE7,--locale CN 表示本地语言是中文简体, --install-corefonts表示安装微软的字体(很重要)如果不装的话有些网页内容看不到,看到的是口口口口,全是方框 安装过程会显示 IEs4Linux 2 is developed to be used with recent Wine versions (0.9.x). It seems that you are using an old version. It's recommended that you update your wine to the latest version (Go to: IEs4Linux will: - Install Internet Explorers: 6.0, 7.0 - Using IE locale: CN - Install Adobe Flash 9.0 - Install MS Core Fonts - Install everything at: /home/djhui/.ies4linux [ OK ] Downloading everything we need Downloading from DCOM98.EXE 249973USA8.exe ADVAUTH.CAB CRLUPD.CAB HHUPD.CAB IEDOM.CAB IE_EXTRA.CAB IE_S1.CAB IE_S2.CAB IE_S5.CAB IE_S4.CAB IE_S3.CAB IE_S6.CAB SETUPW95.CAB FONTCORE.CAB FONTSUP.CAB VGX.CAB SCR56EN.CAB IE7-WindowsXP-x86-enu.exe Downloading from Downloading from andale32.exe arial32.exe arialb32.exe comic32.exe courie32.exe georgi32.exe impact32.exe times32.exe trebuc32.exe verdan32.exe 100% wd97vwr32.exe 100% webdin32.exe [ OK ] Installing IE 6 Initializing Creating Wine Prefix Extracting CAB files Installing IE 6 Installing DCOM98 Installing TTF Fonts Installing Core Fonts Installing ActiveX MFC42 Installing RICHED20 Installing registry Finalizing [ OK ] Installing Flash Player 9 Extracting files Installing flash on ie6 Finalizing [ OK ] Installing IE 7 (beta) Copying ie6 installation Extracting files Installing registry Finalizing [ OK ] IEs4Linux installations finished! To run your IEs, type: ie6 ie7 到这里,安装就完成了 2. 到windows下copy一个simsun.ttc放到 ~/.ies4linux/ie6/drive_c/windows/fonts 代码: kate ~/.ies4linux/ie6/system.reg 找到这两行 代码: “MS Sans Serif”=”sserife.fon” “MS Serif”=”serife.fon” 替换为 代码: “MS Sans Serif”=”SIMSUN.TTC” “MS Serif”=”SIMSUN.TTC” 另外修改 其中如下部分 代码: [Software\\Microsoft\\Windows NT\\CurrentVersion\\FontSubstitutes] 1144897563 “MS Shell Dlg”=”SimSun” “MS Shell Dlg 2″=”SimSun” 保存退出,OK了 ,解决ie6按钮不显示中文问题。